目的 主要研究了硅胶吸附阿维拉霉素的动力学和热力学特性。方法 通过测定不同温度下阿维拉霉素在硅胶上的吸附量,绘制吸附动力学曲线和吸附等温线,并对硅胶吸附阿维拉霉素的动力学和热力学参数进行研究。结果 准二级动力学模型能更好的描述硅胶吸附阿维拉霉素的动力学行为,此吸附过程具有非均相未反应核收缩模型的特征,其中内扩散为主要速率控制步骤;Langmuir方程更好的拟合硅胶吸附阿维拉霉素的吸附等温线,吸附热力学参数吉布斯自由能变(ΔG)在309、303、297 K温度下的值分别为-8.752 9、-8.104 3和-7.455 6 kJ·mol-1,焓变(ΔH)值为24.654 6 kJ·mol-1,熵变(ΔS)值为108.115 2 J·mol-1·K-1。结论 该研究结果为进一步探讨硅胶柱分离纯化阿维拉霉素提供了理论基础。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of adsorption of avilamycin on silica gel. METHODS By measuring the adsorption of avilamycin on silica gel at different temperatures, the adsorption kinetics curves and adsorption isotherm were drawn, and the kinetics and thermodynamic parameters were studied. RESULTS The adsorption of avilamycin on silica gel could be described well by Pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption process had feature of shrinking nonreactive core model, and the internal diffusion was the main rate-limiting step. The equilibrium adsorption data of avilamycin on silica gel fit the Langmuir isotherms well. The thermodynamic parameters were as follows:change in entropy (ΔS) was 108.115 2 J·mol-1·K-1, change in enthalpy (ΔH) was 24.654 6 J·mol-1, and changes in free energy (ΔG) were -8.752 9, -8.104 3, and -7.455 6 J·mol-1 at 309, 303 and 297 K, respectively. CONCLUSION The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for further study on the isolation and purification of high purity avilamycin by silica gel.
阿维拉霉素 /
硅胶吸附 /
热力学 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
avilamycim /
silica gel /
thermodynamics /
{{custom_keyword}} /
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